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Journey Onwards

Bright happy psychic spirit connection

At Kangaroo Quest, the journey is one of personal growth, self discovery and spiritual enlightenment. Sounds great, don't you think? Lovely!


The mission is to provide a safe and nurturing space for individuals to explore their spiritual path and connect with their inner wisdom.


Through courses, workshops, books, psychic mediumship readings and spiritual healing sessions, you are invited to embrace more of your true self and live with greater awareness of your full potential.


Kangaroo Quest is dedicated to helping you navigate your spiritual quest with compassion and understanding. It may be your unique journey, but you don't have to travel it alone.


In fact, it's quite the opposite! 


Welcome to You

Sometimes the extraordinary moments are the ones that barely get noticed. Other times, these moments are the ones that change everything.


There IS more to this life than meets the eye.

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Melissa Abraham

I've often thought that my life story was simply one of an ordinary person who encountered some extraordinary moments.


But now I see that I am extraordinary.


We are all extraordinary.


We are all on different journeys, with different challenges and different outcomes, thanks to the unique personal way each of us sees the world and our place in it.


And here's another thing: I used to feel that the arrival of Kangaroo Quest was just another unplanned location along the way. 


It turns out I couldn't be more wrong. The surprising mix of so many incidents and events, over many decades, combined with my own research and a broadening awareness that highlights the gradual instinctive understanding of the connectedness between the seen and the unseen, has finally shown me that I am meant to be here. 


We all are.

Sparkling Sand

Voted School Captain of my high school, then President of the Conservatorium of Music Sydney University Student Union, my resilience & overacheiving masked a challenging childhood with complex family issues that would take decades to truly surface, and for me to begin to be ready for healing.


I was awarded for Excellence in Music Teaching at national level, and have conducted at the Sydney Opera House and throughout Europe with various wind & jazz bands, choirs and large orchestral groups. But there remained a deep yearning.


Like most creatives who seek to understand the hidden world,

there was always more to explore... 




And ouch.




And everything in between.


As I approached 40 years old, in amongst the joy of being alive, it was impossible to ignore that life itself also continued to teach me some difficult lessons.


I'm not ashamed to say I had many different responses to heartache, at different times. But one response was to produce a hardcover book and music album called "When We Remember: Inspiration and Integrity for a Meaningful Funeral".


This was awarded runner up at the London Book Festival in 2007 for Best Non-Fiction Worldwide and has been in print continuously for more than a decade since, helping more than a hundred thousand grieving families.


Ok, it felt like I was on to something. 


Keep going...


The incident that led to the naming of "Kangaroo Quest" happened in April 2013. 


Books 1 and 2 of the Kangaroo Quest trilogy were written as a pair, completed in 2019.


And then the fun really started...








I did NOT see that coming.


A beautiful sunny October morning in 2019. The day my "key change", my spiritual awakening, presented itself so unexpectedly (or so I thought) was a day I will never forget. Looking less like a spiritual emergence, and more like a spiritual emergency, I was catapulted head first into a new reality that I could never have imagined.


My life has fundamentally, and permanently, changed forever.


It has now become extraordinary.


I feel I have learned and experienced more in the last five years, than I have in the last five lifetimes.


And I am devoting the rest of my life to sharing this wonderful reality with as many people as possible.


Some people will stop reading here (perhaps with a look of compassion? Or pity?!) and gently move away from this webpage. But if you feel intrigued, maybe a little curious, or perhaps strongly drawn towards a subtle but strong truth, then please read on.


I hope you are ready to experience the reality of what the world, and each of us, is truly all about.


There is soooo much more to this life than we think...









Come. Jump in. Join me!

Confusion true psychic energy mentor
Happy student celebrating psychic connection
Young woman musician creative spiritual inspiration

Welcome to You

Join us for No B.S. Spirituality workshops and embark on an exciting exploration of discovery with Kangaroo Quest.


Discover your unique spiritual path.

Experience Healing

Embark on a transformative journey with Kangaroo Quest and discover ~


No B.S. Spirituality 

No Belief Systems...

No Bogus Scams..

No Boring Stuff. 


This unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern insights offers a profoundly refreshing perspective on spiritual growth and self-realization. Through a carefully curated selection from the worlds of philosophy, science and mysticism, you are invited to experience a deep sense of connection, healing, and personal empowerment.


The approach is designed to awaken your inner potential, guiding you to embrace life with clarity, purpose, and (of course!) love & joy.

Bright happy psychic spirit connection
Happy Family

Look Beyond Your Horizon

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